

I am just an early 40’s single dad trying to grow and become the best version of myself.  My main goal is just to be 1% better than the day before. 

I’ve been divorced, depressed, anxious, broke, fat and out of shape, insecure, lazy, no real drive, goals, or passion for life.  Just struggling to find a purpose.  I realized that change wasn’t going to fall in my lap.  You can’t accomplish any goals if your actions and habits don’t align with going after them.       

I believe that changing your mindset and taking action are the two most important things you can do if you want to succeed.  It’s like a springboard.  If you believe you can do something and you take action to go after it, everything else will fall into place.  It doesn’t mean you won’t experience setbacks along the way, but (cliche alert) failures will no longer be failures anymore.  They will be lessons on how to improve and fine tune your plans.

Thanks to the internet I can use this blog to show you I am living this theory of turning your life around through changing your mindset and taking action.  I don’t think I’m remarkable or special or that different from anyone else.  If I can show you myself as an example, then I think anyone who comes across this page can succeed in turning their life around too.  I’m just merely planting the seeds, it’s up to you to nurture them.