Read This If You Are Struggling To Get Started
It’s not as complicated as you think…
Your life has been full of dreams, goals, and ambitions. Most of which have never actually materialized. You always seem to get hung up somewhere, don’t you? Why is starting the most challenging part?
For every goal you’ve given yourself, you’ve most likely given yourself a handful of excuses or “reasons” to prevent you from starting. When battling it out in your mind, these seem logical reasons to hold off, but they aren’t. It’s just your mind playing tricks on you. Let me show you.
Greatest Excuses Top Hits Playlist
Overthinking: You spend so much time formulating the perfect plan that you don’t have the mental or emotional energy to start the project!
There is no perfect plan. The best plan is the plan you choose to execute. Once you START, you can finetune and adjust from there. Don’t get too wrapped up in the details. It is a time and energy drain.
2. No time: You couldn’t possibly fit that into your schedule when you have all those shows to get caught up on watching, social media to scroll through, and *insert other time wasters here*.
Have you tracked what you are doing with your time? You spend a certain amount of time sleeping and at your day job. What are you doing with the rest of it? There is nothing wrong with taking time to recharge, but there are “pockets” you can fit in for goals and dream chasing. I promise.
3. Fear: You’re afraid of being judged or criticized. You’re so scared of failing. Or you can think far enough ahead to have the success that your mind creates new problems for you that come from it.
You imagine a negative result. What if you try imagining a positive outcome? The only absolute failure is not trying at all. Sure, you could be judged, depending on the goal or dream you are chasing. People will judge or criticize you when they don’t understand or are jealous that you’re trying to do more with your life than they are.
4. Bad timing: You tell yourself the timing isn’t right. You’ll do it when “this thing” happens. You’ll do it when you have more money, time, a better plan, knowledge, etc.
There is no more perfect time than right now. You should have already started. If you haven’t, the next best time is also right now. You don’t need anything. All you must do is take the first step.
5. No motivation: You don’t “feel” motivated, so you wait for inspiration.
How often have you done things you didn’t “feel” motivated? Have there been days you didn’t feel like going to work? Didn’t feel like running errands? Doing laundry? You did them anyway because you had to. Now you have a goal or dream you WANT to do, but you’re saying you don’t feel motivated? Maybe it’s time to change your thoughts about your goal or dream or find a new plan or objective.
6. No self-confidence: You don’t believe you can succeed. Either because you have tried and failed so many times or it seems overwhelming.
Your past doesn’t dictate your future. Failing before doesn’t mean you will now. Use what you learned from the previous attempt to improve this time. Feeling overwhelmed is natural, especially when it’s something big. Have you tried journaling about what is causing the overwhelming feelings? It helps to get it all down on paper so you can see it and wrap your hands around it.
Don’t Think. Just Go.
Success doesn’t come without a journey. A journey doesn’t start without a first step. Your mind will try and trick you into not taking that first step. Understand that your mind wants you to stick with the status quo because it’s comfortable. You must disregard and turn off all the chatter and go. The longer you wait and think, the more opportunity you are giving your mind to talk you out of getting to work. Don’t think, go!
“Newton’s first law: Every object will remain at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled to change its state by the action of an external force.”
If you apply that law to your circumstances, momentum follows your actions. The more resistance you build and give in to avoid acting, the harder it will be to start. You shift the trajectory when you take the first step. Then another. Then another. Next thing you know, you are on your way.
You'll get the same results if you keep doing what you do (nothing). Do you think you'll be satisfied with that tomorrow? How about in one year, three, or five years? How does that make you feel? Is the future version of yourself happy that you didn’t act today?